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AdSense program is the simplest form of making money online

There is no doubt that you have seen those little “mini-ads” that pop up on websites throughout the web. Those little ads are something that you may someday place yourself on other people’s pages. For now, though, consider this – if you take those ads and place them on your blog, or your website... You will get paid anytime somebody clicks on them!

Go ahead to Google and sign up for their AdSense program. It is right there under “advertising programs” on the main page. Take your time and look around a bit.

If you have not already started your Wordpress blog, then you can go to Blogger.com and start a free blog there. (Wordpress is more versatile, so prepare to move to that eventually). Whatever topic you choose to write about on your blog, the ads that you are going to place will act like a chameleon and those ads will match that subject.

Now go ahead in and practice making the little ads, and copying and pasting the proper code onto your website or blog. Make sure that you familiarize yourself with Wordpress, or Blogger enough so you know how to do this. I’m leaving some of those fine details up to you to research.

Some topics you choose to write about will actually be more lucrative than others. For instance, if you were to write about criminal law, there would be attorneys advertising their services which would yield a higher payout per click! Still, I suggest you write about a subject that you enjoy. The only challenge left is getting traffic to your website or blog so you can get those clicks!

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