Buding Museum

Belitung Timur Regency (Indonesian = Kabupaten Belitung Timur) has a historical heritage of Balok and Buding Kingdom. Although the name of the kingdoms was not as big as a name of Majapahit or Sriwijaya, but the legacy has its own charm.

This museum is located in Kecamatan Kelapakampit about 40 minutes from Manggar. This small museum trace of a mosque is named Museum Istiqomah Buding.

The museum was established in 2002 to collect various relics of the Balok and Buding Kingdom, who became the pride of the Belitung Timur peoples. The museum holds about 40 items such as chewing devices and various weapons like the Keris, Swords, and Spears. According to the museum caretaker Aris Bahar (67) museum collection items are collected from the local community.



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